

AsciiDoc literal blocks, listing blocks and code blocks are converted to formatted blocks in Confluence.

A title can be set for each type of block. The title is rendered as the title of the Confluence panel.

Literal Block

Literal blocks are converted as pre-formatted text.

this is a literal block
this is a literal block

Listing Block

Listing blocks are converted using the "noformat" macro.

.Title of the listing block
this is a listing block
Title of the listing block
this is a listing block

Source Block

Source blocks are converted using the "code" macro. Only languages supported by the Code Block Macro can be used: actionscript3, applescript, bash, c#, cpp, css, coldfusion, delphi, diff, erl, groovy, xml, java, jfx, js, php, perl, text, powershell, py, ruby, sql, sass, scala, vb, yml (since Confluence 6.7 only)

public class MyCode {
    // comment
public class MyCode {
    // comment

Source Blocks from External Files (Full Content)

Including source code from external files is supported:

public class Source {
    // code from included source file

Source Blocks from External Files (Partial Content)

Restricting the source code to be included based on tags is supported:

    public void myMethod() {
        // method from included source file

Line Numbers

Line numbers for source blocks can be enabled either using the :source-linenums-option: attribute globally for all source blocks on the page, or per source block using the linenums option:

public class MyCode {
    // comment
public class MyCode {
    // comment

In case no source language is specified for the source block, line numbers have to be enabled using [source%linenums] (not [source,linenums]):

line one
line two
line three
line one
line two
line three

A custom start line number for a source block can be specified using the start option:

public class MyCode {
    // comment
public class MyCode {
    // comment

Collapsed Source Blocks

Collapsing of source blocks is supported via the custom collapse option:

[source,java,title="Collapsed Source Block",collapse=true]
public class MyCode  {
    // long source block that should not be visible by default
Collapsed Source Block
public class MyCode  {
    // long source block that should not be visible by default

Collapsed source blocks are currently not supported by AsciiDoc directly, thus this is a non-standard feature only supported by the Confluence Publisher.


Callout are supported well. Due to code blocks limitation in Confluence it is advised to use guarded callouts, i.e. to place the callout into a comment.

public class MyClass { // <1>
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Hello world!");// <2>
} <3>
<1> Definition of a Java class
<2> print "Hello world!" to the standard out
<3> Non-guarded callout. Code will be invalid if you copy it and paste in IDE

will be rendered as:

public class MyClass { // (1)
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Hello world!");// (2)
} (3)
  1. Definition of a Java class

  2. print "Hello world!" to the standard out

  3. Non-guarded callout. Code will be invalid if you copy it and paste in IDE

<1> Xml-style callout.

will be rendered as:

  1. Xml-style callout.

Source Highlighting

AsciiDoc source highlighters (e.g. CodeRay) are not supported, in favor of using the source highlighting support of Confluence. Thus, any configured AsciiDoc source highlighter is automatically disabled when publishing to Confluence.

Other advanced features like listing file names are not supported.