PlantUML diagrams in AsciiDoc files are automatically generated using AsciiDoc Diagram, added as an attachment to the corresponding Confluence page and inserted into the page using the Confluence image tag.
Embedded PlantUML Source
PlantUML sources can be embedded directly into an AsciiDoc file and are replaced by the generated image when the AsciiDoc file is published to Confluence.
[plantuml, diagram-name, png] .... class Alpha class Beta class Gamma Alpha <|-- Beta Alpha <|-- Gamma ....
Included PlantUML Source
PlantUML sources can also be externalized to a separate file and included into the AsciiDoc file. Included PlantUML files are resolved relative to the location of the referencing AsciiDoc file.
C4-PlantUML diagrams are supported as well.
[plantuml, c4-diagram, png] .... !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Container.puml Person(personAlias, "Label", "Optional Description") Container(containerAlias, "Label", "Technology", "Optional Description") System(systemAlias, "Label", "Optional Description") Rel(personAlias, containerAlias, "Label", "Optional Technology") ....
C4-PlantUML using stdlib (no internet connection required)
C4-PlantUML diagrams are supported as well.
[plantuml, c4-stdlib-diagram, png] .... !include <C4/C4_Container> Person(personAlias, "Label", "Optional Description") Container(containerAlias, "Label", "Technology", "Optional Description") Rel(personAlias, containerAlias, "Label", "Optional Technology") ....
, multiple selections available,